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Warrens of Watership Down


Chapter Four

The Truth

 Fiver exited the burrow, he was nervous. He knew that Campion shouldn’t have been sent away, yet he couldn’t prove it. He tried to settle down to graze when a marvellous idea popped into his head, they would have a hearing! A fair trial for Campion! “Hazel!?” Fiver called urgently running back down the burrow.



The two rabbits woke slowly under the rising sun and stretched.

“So, where now?” Blackberry asked.

“I was thinking I could go and live at Darkhaven, it is empty now and an easy hiding place. Better than the open land anyway,” Campion said thoughtfully.

“We Campion, we could go live at Darkhaven,” Blackberry said firmly.

Campion was about to protest then realised he didn’t want to.

“Maybe you should go back to the warren and tell the others you’re leaving, in case they think I’ve kidnapped you or something,” Campion said sighing, thinking about how much truth there actually was in his words.

“Hmm… ok but you better still be here when I get back,” She said turning to glance at him out of the side of her eye. Then she made her way to the top of the hill. 



 “Hazel, I want to send out a patrol to find her,” Walnut was saying. “Who knows what he will have done to her by now?”

Blackberry, correctly assuming Walnut was talking about her and Campion, coughed loudly, bringing the attention of the grazing rabbits to her.

“I just wanted to let you now I’m leaving out of my own free will and that I haven’t been kidnapped by Campion,” Blackberry said rolling her eyes.

“If that is your choice,” Hazel said reluctantly, his eyes worried.

“Leaving with him?” Walnut demanded.

“Not that it’s any of your business.”

“You can’t Blackberry! You see what he has done to that poor kitten and… and he was only using you!!” Walnut stuttered.

“I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself. I trust Campion completely, so completely that I’m going to stay with him while my kittens are born,” Blackberry finished defiantly.

Walnut was positively furious, he opened his mouth to say something but words failed him.

“Oh congratulations Blackberry!” said Pipkin excitedly. “Will you bring them back to the down when their born so we can all see them?”

“Maybe, Pipkin.” Blackberry smiled at the young buck. “Say goodbye to Primrose for me will you Hazel? I would do it myself but I think she would be a bit annoyed by my choice.”

Hazel nodded understandably. “Be careful Blackberry and you are welcome to come home whenever you like.”

“I’m only home when I’m with Campion, Hazel and that wouldn’t change even if he did do what he was accused of, I’m sorry.” Then she turned and hopped towards the trees at the bottom of the hill. Hazel’s gaze followed her as she disappeared over the edge then he sighed, had he done the right thing?

“Hazel?” Fiver’s voice pierced the awkward silence.

“Fiver what’s wrong?” Hazel had great respect for his younger brother and always listened to his visions and opinions.

“You were wrong to send Campion away Hazel. I know you were, Walnut is trouble.” Then Fiver groaned and his eyes became unfocused and he slumped to the ground.

“The one that was banished, his heart was true, though you may not know it the real enemy is among you.” Fiver opened his eyes slowly and turned to look at Hazel. “What was the vision? What did I say?

Hazel hesitated, for the first time Fiver’s vision made perfect sense though he was unwilling to accept it. Had he just sent away an innocent rabbit? One that had risked his life repeatedly for Watership Down and ultimately betrayed his home warren to finally save them?!

“Hazel?” Fiver asked after his vision had been repeated to him, “What if we hold a trial; to see what both rabbits have to say?”

“Good idea chap,” Bigwig chipped in. “I totally believe Campion is innocent and I miss someone to exchange battle strategies with.” Bigwig continued in a reasonable tone, “It might not be too late to get them both back, let’s face it, we wouldn’t last a season without Blackberry’s ideas to get us out of trouble.”

“Thank you Bigwig,” Hazel said hesitantly. “I have to discuss this with Primrose, though have a patrol of the fastest rabbits ready.”

“Well that would include Blackberry and Campion but there aren’t here are they?” Bigwig muttered but went off to gather the owsla patrol anyway.



Campion watched Blackberry descend the hill with a heavy heart, he was happy that Blackberry was coming with him of course, but he felt so guilty that he was pulling her away from her home.

“All set,” Blackberry said smiling, waiting patiently for Campion to follow.

He forced a smile and pulled himself round to hop after her.



Hazel exited the warren, “Bigwig, quickly find Campion and Blackberry and bring them back.” He had spoken with Primrose and they had finally agreed that every rabbit is innocent until proven otherwise.

Bigwig nodded and set off at a sharp pace with Holly, Blackavar and Spartina.

“It’s the right thing Hazel,” Fiver said placing his paw on Hazel’s shoulder.

“I know it’s just… I miss Snowdrop so much and Primrose might as well not be here, she isn’t talking properly or eating….”

Hazel looked down at his son, a buck called Mallow as he came over quietly.

“Father, why are they bringing back….” He paused. “Campion?”

“Because uncle Fiver thinks Campion is innocent,” Hazel said, bending down to rub Mallow’s nose comfortingly.

“I just wish Keharr was here or that Skree was able to fly, they could have found Campion and Blackberry in no time,” Hazel said to Fiver.

“The owsla will find them.” Fiver said confidently.

“An idea Fiver, could you go to Pipkin and ask him to choose six of his animal friends who aren’t rabbits and bring them here? We need a fair jury who knew neither Campion nor Walnut so they can’t judge them beforehand? I’ll organise the rest of the meeting,” Hazel said looking down at Fiver.

“Right.” Fiver hopped off.

Hazel went to arrange everyone ready for the trial.



Bigwig pushed his owsla flat out.

“Come on lads, faster.” he shouted turning his head. “I think we’re getting closer.



“Blackberry get behind me,” Campion hissed as he heard the sprinting rabbits behind, he suspected that some of the rabbits were after him without Hazel’s knowing and about to express their anger at him in a form other than verbal.

Bigwig rounded the corner first falling in exhaustion at Campion’s feet, following him were Blackavar, Holly and Spartina who were panting equally hard.

“Campion……… Hazel wants………… you and Blackberry……… to come back to Watership Down…………… for an official trial,” Bigwig said between gasps of air.

Campion’s shock was replaced by hope and then despair, how could he prove his innocence with no proof against three supposed eye witnesses? Then he saw Blackberry’s hopeful face and knew he had to try.

“Ok Bigwig I accept.” Campion said looking down at the figure sprawled out at his feet.

“Good, I didn’t want to have had run all this way for nothing,” Spartina said jokingly.

“Let’s be on our way then,” Bigwig said picking himself off the ground and trying to increase his dignity by brushing down his fur with his paws.




Bigwig, Holly, Spartina, Blackavar, Campion and Blackberry appeared at the top of the Down and made their way over to the large circle that had formed. There was at present, eighteen rabbits that lived at Watership Down, including Blackberry and Campion and excluding Walnut and the others that had arrived with him.

Apart from the rabbits there were two magpies, two field mice and two squirrels who were all sitting huddled in a group at a gap in the circle chattering excitedly and looking in Campion’s general direction.

Campion found himself nervous, an unusual feeling for the owsla captain, but so much was depending on this trial. If I don’t win this…..

“Campion, please take up position between Bigwig and Spartina,” Hazel ordered.  As Campion went to take up position he realized that Bigwig and Spartina were acting as his guards. There was a slight space between them and the other rabbits in the circle as if it was a witness or defendant box.  He felt trapped as he looked into Walnut’s eyes opposite him, who was in a similar position being flanked by Strawberry and Holly. Hazel sat up straight in the top of the circle and cleared his throat, before speaking loudly.

“Today we have gathered to decide if the accused crime against Campion is true or untrue, first we will hear Walnut’s side of the story.” He paused and nodded at Walnut who stepped forward and retold all that Hazel had told Campion in the burrow, only with more description.

Campion looked anxiously at the jury who were looking intently at Walnut, drinking up every word whilst wincing at the more graphic and gory parts.

Then it was Campion’s turn, at first he wasn’t sure what to say, then he found himself pleading his innocence. Then he had an inspiration, he had an eye witness! “And I have a rabbit that can vouch for being with me at the time when the accused crime was thought to take place,” Campion said proudly. “Blackberry was with me.”

Blackberry stepped out of the circle immediately and went to stand beside her mate, “Yes I was with him all day and he never left my side once.” She said, eyes burning brightly and her voice was strong with determination.

The jury was chattering amongst themselves in whispers.

“But Hazel, what about in the early morning? Blackberry wasn’t with him then.” Walnut said slyly.

“Hmm, that’s true when Bigwig and I appeared for silflay Campion was already up,” Hazel agreed.

“But Hazel,” Blackberry disagreed, whilst ignoring the fierce glare from Walnut. “What proof is there that Snowdrop is actually dead? If we were able to find her, she could tell us the truth.”

“We’ve looked, Blackberry, no sign except the blood,” Primrose said, shaking her cream head in despair.

“But what if we were to send out an experienced tracker to find her?” Blackberry said glancing at Campion.

“Blackberry, I’m not comfortable with that,” Primrose said uneasily guessing what Blackberry was suggesting.

“Innocent until proven guilty.” Blackberry said angrily to her best friend.

“We could always send out a few of the owsla with him, if it puts your mind at rest Primrose. Any chance of finding her we have to take,” Hazel said, gaining determination.

“That’s settled then,” Bigwig said, dropping down on all fours beside Campion. “I’ll go with Campion, better just a couple of rabbits, wouldn’t want to scare her by large numbers.”

“Ok Bigwig, but be back here by the time Frith is setting,” Hazel said firmly.

As Campion followed Bigwig, he looked Walnut in the eye, was he imaging it or did the rabbit look uneasy?

“Right, this hearing is postponed until further notice…” Hazel’s voice could be heard growing fainter as the small patrol vanished into the wood behind Watership Down.

Campion put his nose to the ground and tried to imagine Snowdrop’s scent in his nostrils so as to remember it. He knew the wood well since he had spent weeks here after the cavern battle when he had been recovering from his almost fatal injuries.

He was pulled deeper into the wood pulled by his strong nose until he stopped in surprise. He had spotted Honey’s scent, and had nearly missed it since it wasn’t very familiar to him. Bigwig was silent, letting the tracker concentrate.

Campion then smelt a weasel, and jumped back in surprise. “Bigwig there’s a weasel near!” Then a weak shout pierced the air, “Help me! Someone help!”

“It’s Snowdrop!” Bigwig exclaimed, but Campion had already started running towards the sound.

The two rabbits emerged at a clearing and saw a male weasel advancing slowly on Snowdrop, who was lying on the ground in a pool of red, clearly injured.

Campion and Bigwig threw themselves at the weasel knocking him clear onto the ground. The weasel growled menacingly at the two rabbits then thought better of it as he realised they were quite large.

He slid into the underbrush and said threatingly, “Long ears think that they got rid of me and left me injured, they think I leave for good but I will never stop hunting them.” Then he disappeared.

By this stage Snowdrop was unconscious and there was an old wound on her shoulder that had reopened and was trickling blood.

“Quick Bigwig, put her on my back and we’ll take her back to the warren,” Campion said anxiously.

Bigwig easily picked up the small kit and settled her into the groove of Campion’s shoulders, then ran ahead to tell Hazel what had happened.



After hearing Bigwig’s announcement the Watership Down rabbits were awaiting anxiously the return of Campion and Snowdrop.

“There they are!” Dandelion pointed at the figures emerging from the trees.

Hazel and Primrose stopped pacing and ran over to where Campion had lowered onto his belly and had slid Snowdrop gently onto the ground.

“Oh Snowdrop you’re all right! “ Primrose cried, nuzzling her baby and was worried when she didn’t respond.

“She’s unconscious after a weasel attack, and she’s losing a lot of blood,” Campion panted.

Primrose lifted her baby and had left to go underground after casting a guilty look at Campion.

“Thank you Campion and I’m sorry I didn’t…” Hazel said apologetically.

  “Forget it Hazel,” Campion interrupted. “I know your paws were tied.”

Then he left to go over to a worried looking Blackberry and give in to her demanding to clean the blood that was not his own off his back. For the first time in days he smiled and laughed with her as they chatted happily both full of relief, but it wasn’t over yet…