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Warrens of Watership Down


Chapter Nine

Only Time Will Tell


Campion gasped and shot stealthily forward under the flying weasel’s belly.

“Quick Blackavar!” Campion warned his friend.

Blackavar tried to copy Campion’s move but fell short and landed heavily. The weasel yelped in shock as she tripped over Blackavar’s form.

She hissed in anger and turned to Captain Broom with her teeth glinting in the faint winter moonlight.

“Captain!” Blackavar and Campion shouted at the same time. But their cries were unheard and the captain wasn’t quick enough for the pounce of the weasel.

They frantically shoved the weasel off Captain Broom afraid that it would be too late, they were. He was lying still on the ground.

“Finally it is time for long ears to give in,” the weasel purred, stretching out her claws threateningly.

“Not if I can help it,” Campion growled. His loathing for this slithering vermin increased as he saw the blood on her teeth.

She started to dance, jumping into the air and twisting gracefully. The rabbit’s eyes followed her in terror. With each turn she loped around them in a circle, pulling in closer.

The fight went on until the two rabbits were trembling with exhaustion and loss of blood. Campion recalled fighting off weasels from Efrafa, though none had been as persistent as this one. The smell of their blood only seemed to strengthen her lust.

Blackavar dropped to the floor after a particularly heavy blow and snatch of perfect, pointed teeth. Campion’s heart sank in despair, he couldn’t do this on his own.

The red snake turned to Campion and said seething, “It’s over little bunny. No more fighting, no more resisting……”

Campion remembered Blackberry and his unborn kittens and knew that if he gave in now the fox would have a clear path to them and eventually the other does. He tried to steady his shaking limbs and blinked the blood out of his face. His own blood. The blood of his family would not be shed, even if he had to give double.

He threw himself forward, aiming for the weak spot, the eyes.

Terrible squeals filled the end of the burrow as Campion made contact. The weasel pawed at the air desperately, catching Campion in the stomach and winding him. He fell to the floor heavily and lifted his head up to see the damage he had inflicted.

Campion was lucky, he had hit home and the weasel had had enough so it turned to run away blindly.

The silence rang in Campion’s ears and the night sky swam in front of his vision. His fur felt warm and overheated and the heat seemed to drip, onto his face, his paws. His revulsion was immediate when he recognised the hot liquid as blood. Despite knowing that the creature he had just attacked would have killed them all, he felt like a monster.

The light from the moon that crept into the start of the burrow illuminated the red on his own claws.

“Blackavar?” Campion asked weakly, pushing his exhausted muscles into a sitting position.

There was no response, he knew what he must do because there was a chance Blackavar was alive.

He dragged him into the Honeycomb then went back for Captain Broom in case the smell of blood attracted more elil. He couldn’t help noticing that Blackberry was not there.

He stood unsure beside the two wounded or possibly dead rabbits. He didn’t know how to treat their injuries and he didn’t have the energy to go all the way down to the caverns to get aid from the does.

His eyesight grew weaker and he swayed on his feet. He lay down heavily on the ground and slipped into a deep sleep.



Fiver was lying between Ivy and Brunnea when he woke, it was the middle of the night and it took him a moment to realize what had woken him.

“Watership Down is in peril, the weasel! The weasel! Oh Frith help them before it is too late, where a rabbit would lose many a friend and a much loved mate.”

Fiver shivered and kept repeating the vision; Ivy and Brunnea were shocked and concerned.

“Quick Brunnea go get Hazel and Bigwig!” Ivy said, huddling into Fiver side to prevent him going tharn.

Hazel hurried into the burrow and said quickly, “What was his vision Ivy?”

“Watership Down is in peril, the weasel! The weasel! Oh Frith help them before it is too late, where a rabbit would lose many a friend and a much loved mate,” Ivy repeated slowly, forming each word while thinking about its meaning.

“A weasel? Fiver had a vision about a weasel before we came here,” Hazel mused. “There must be one at Watership Down, but there aren’t enough of them to protect themselves.”

“Where a rabbit would lose many a friend and a much loved mate,” Bigwig repeated. “That must mean Campion, Primrose, Clover or Blackberry are hurt since they are the only rabbits at home that have a mate, though the ‘many a friend’ could be anyone.”

“We must go back at once. We may still be able to save them. Fiver did say ‘before it is too late’.  Bigwig go quickly and gather the others and be ready to leave immediately.”

Fiver stirred and opened his eyes and saw Hazel. “We have to go home…!”

“We are Fiver, are you fit to travel?” Hazel asked his voice was strained.

“Yes,” Fiver said nodding determinedly.

“But what about the new members for your warren?” Ivy asked, distraught.

“We’ll come back next spring or something, right now my main concern is my friends at home,” Hazel answered.

“Well I’m coming with you and so is my sister, we are fast so we won’t hold you up,” Ivy decided.

“If you’re sure, but we are leaving now,” Hazel said joining Bigwig and the others out in the snow.

“Yes we’re sure,” Brunnea agreed. “Come on Fiver hop smartly.” She smiled.

“What about your chief? Will he not be angry that you left?” Fiver asked with concern.

“He’ll get over it,” Ivy said, her eyes were gleaming with excitement.

“Do you think we will make it Hazel?” Hawkbit asked.

“Only time will tell,” Hazel said, gazing into the moon.

So the large band of rabbits left in that dark, cold winter night making their way home.




Blackberry, Primrose and Clover strained their ears to pick up any sound from above.

“I can’t hear anything,” Primrose whispered hoarsely.

“I’m going up to check,” Blackberry said and tensed, ready for someone to restrain her.

“Blackberry you can’t! You have kittens to think about,” Clover cried.

“I have to know if he’s ok, don’t you understand Clover?!” Blackberry asked desperately. “You already dragged me down here!”

Blackberry was gone before Clover had a chance to reply. She was in the Honeycomb when she slowed, listening hard for a sound of a struggle.

“Blackberry?” A voice whispered.

“Blackavar? Where is everyone?!”Blackberry demanded.

“Campion is over there, he’s in a bad way. He was fighting the fox for the longest and I think Captain Broom is dead.”

“Dead?” Blackberry’s voice trembled, glancing momentarily at the limp figure in the corner.

“Yes and Campion is there.” Blackavar pointed at the figure closest to the entrance.

The smell of fresh blood increased as Blackberry approached Campion. The smell burned and tugged at her nose, telling her to run. He had unaccountable injuries though his breathing was still strong. Blackberry sniffed and nudged him gently with her nose.

“He’ll be alright Blackberry, he’s a fighter,” Blackavar comforted.

Blackberry didn’t reply and she buried her head in Campion’s fur so Blackavar couldn’t see her expression. He sighed in despair and took position as sentry until they decided what they were going to do next.